A fusion of ancient wisdoms and modern music, for healing and wellbeing. Move your chakras, change your life!
What is Chakradance® and what are the benefits of doing it?
Chakradance® is a healing movement practice. It's a form of nourishment for your true self - for your soul. Moving to music specifically created to resonate with each chakra, you are guided into your own inner dance of release and re-connection. It offers a kind of liberation. It feels like coming home.
About Chakradance®
CHAKRADANCE® is a well-being movement practice. It uses spontaneous dance, to specific chakra-resonant music, for the purpose of healing and re-tuning your whole energy system.
You can read all about it in Natalie Southgate's new book, published by Hay House.
The purpose of Chakradance® is simple, if ambitious: to help you to more fully embody your soul.
At the heart of Chakradance® is the music. For all of us, the seven major chakras are the energetic gateways through which body, mind and spirit come together, literally embodying the soul.
In Chakradance® classes and courses, each of these seven chakras has its own unique body of wonderfully danceable music, resonating to its own specific vibrational frequencies.
On one level, Chakradance® can be experienced as a joyful affirmation of who you truly are. Using spontaneous dance, creativity and your imagination, it leads to an awakening, a discovery of your true self.
But at a deeper level, Chakradance® is also about healing and balance. By surrendering to the music of each chakra, we dance from the inside out and find ourselves awakening and healing ancient hurts; expressing – often for the first time – long-blocked emotions; and opening ourselves up to levels of spiritual connection higher than we ever thought possible.
This is what we mean when we describe Chakradance® as “rhythm for your soul”.
Think of it as a 'dynamic moving meditation to music'... or as 'the musical sister of yoga' (without the set-piece poses or asanas).
There is no right or wrong way to move your body. It’s a journey of self-discovery. Each chakra is explored through specific music, guided imagery and your own free, improvised dance, done in a candle-lit space with your eyes softly closed. This begins to activate inner experiences.
It’s almost like entering into a waking dream. You may see images in your mind’s eye while you are dancing or gain insights. You may also experience feelings, emotions or physical sensations. Most classes conclude with participants creating a personal mandala artwork, to help 'anchor' their experience and for their own personal use in reflecting on the class in the following days.
Chakradance® puts you in touch with the sacred within yourself. It helps you re-connect with your own soul, unique and beautiful. Dancing the seven chakras is like dancing into seven different worlds, seven different facets of your whole self, each with their own lessons, meanings and stories. As a practice, it helps you to feel more balanced, more joyful, and to radiate your own true colors out into the world.
For more information, please use the links above.
What people say about Chakradance®
“Fascinating insights into the effect of movement on the chakras... and a wonderful experience”

"Thank you so much, Natalie, for the great
gift of Chakradance®"
Contact Karen Quiros, a certified and licensed Chakradance® facilitator
to learn more. Check under the appointments tab for upcoming classes, workshops & retreats.