The Joy & Mystery of Reiki

As a Holy Fire II Reiki Master Teacher you’d think that I gave myself Reiki every day, right? Well that just hadn’t been happening with my busy schedule. I give Reiki, I teach Reiki, I write about Reiki, I study Reiki…., but had never gotten into the daily habit of Self-Reiki. That was until last fall.
My journey with energy healing started back in the 90’s when I became a certified Healing Touch practitioner. A class was coming up and I needed CEC’s for my nursing license, it sounded like a great way to get the credits I needed…and it was. We were permitted to use Healing Touch post-operatively and discovered that it helped patients with post-operative pain by reducing their need for pain medication.
I kept hearing about Reiki and felt a strong desire to learn about this new healing method. It took me a while to locate a Reiki Master locally and I was blessed to have found the lovely Jessamina. I studied all of the Usui level classes with Jessamina, and even drove to Pennsylvania for my Master training with her. What a wonderful experience that was. In the spring of 2017 I was blessed with studying Karuna and Holy Fire II Reiki from none other than William Lee Rand himself, who is founder and president of The International Center for Reiki Training, The Center for Reiki Research, and The Reiki Membership Association. Words cannot impart the experience one feels when experiencing the placement of the Holy Fire II energy. Reiki is a gentle, subtle, divine healing energy that a practitioner lovingly imparts to self and clients. The Reiki energy is passed from teacher to student in a special placement experience enabling the student to channel the Reiki energy.
In March 2017 I was hiking the Long Island, NY oceanfront, walking rather rapidly because of the cold. When I returned home I realized that I had damaged, (that’s what happens when the cold numbs your feet) and later lost two toe nails during this hike. In addition, I developed numbness in three toes. I did what I normally do, (rub a little ignore on it) increased my B complex vitamins, went for massages, and saw my osteopathic physician. All worked to a degree, but not one-hundred percent.
One evening, while practicing the Reiki Ideals…that’s something I am committed to doing each evening before meditation, I decided to give myself Reiki because I was feeling tension in my lower back from touring the Clark Museum for six hours. To my amazement I fell into a deep and restful sleep almost immediately and woke the next morning without back pain…but even more impressive was that the foot numbness I’d been experiencing for six long months was GONE! We teach that Reiki goes where it’s needed in the body, and this experience once again confirmed that for me. Needless to say….I’m giving myself Reiki every night now.
If you haven’t experienced Reiki and would like to schedule an appointment please call: 631.284.9945. If you’d like to learn more about Reiki and are interested in becoming a certified Reiki practitioner check my workshop schedule for upcoming certification classes, or call me at the above telephone number to schedule a private training.